Thursday, November 18, 2010


Khamis-11 Zulhijjah 1431,3:32 a.m

tika dan saat ini,

aku masih lagi di beri nafas,

untukku mencoret,
untukku meneruskan sisa-sisa kehidupan,
walaupun aku telah banyak berdosa kepadaNya.

Entah mengapa...

hati dan jiwa ini,

kontang bak sahara,
kosong...seolah tiada apa,

hilang..terbang entah kemana.

tika dan saat ini juga..
aku berharap untuk pergi jauh....


jiwa yang kontang dapat dibasahi,


hati yang kosong dapat dipenuhi,


diri yang hilang dapat ku temui,


ia dibasahi dengan hidayahNya,


ia dipenuhi dengan rahmatNya,


ia temui damai abadi.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

when Allah love me


It's been a long time not updating my blog.Yeah, as usual, at the end of semester i'm busy damn much..i just sleep 2 hours a day.(koyak mate beb!!)..tonight i feel fresh ckit because i just sweat out by playing futsal wif my dearest's cool guys..although i just played three time coz pancit..hahaha...but it's refreshing my body and mind..
now back to the topic. i just wanna share with u guys about my experiences starting a week before final..

Case 1
lately, i be like a owl coz i have sumthin' to do..usually i'll sleep after suboh coz i know if i'm not doing that i won't perform suboh..juz imagine if i sleep at 5 a.m n i need to wake up at 6 am..oh no..i can't do early morning my mother text me a sms but i didn't notice it..then my mother call me n i pick up the mom said my brother in law involved in accident this morning.his car was crash with the trailer..he was in icu 1 week..and unconscious 2 weeks..

case 2
i was fight with's because there were a lot of works to be done in this study week..suppose at this time i've to prepare for my final exam but the assignment burdened me..argghhh...

case 3
it happened a few days mom told me that my aunt now in hospital.she was dissected because she has cancer.i feel sorry for her..FYI my aunt and me quite close coz i always be a driver for her..huhuhu...

when all of these happened to me..I asked myself "why its happened to me at this time?" (starting from case 1 till case 3 i've to sit test and final exam) and its really disturb my mind..
but i've to face principle is life without challenges is, i need to be stronger and i really hope that it will not affect my result...It happened for a reason!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

jangan gantung gambar makhluk bernyawa..

actually ade banyak benda yng nk bile bukak je posting box ni..tibe2 je jadi blank..tapi aku gagah + gigihkan juga diri ni walaupun esok aku ade test etr300..(td baru intro..)
dis is the main topic for this post..
last week ade dua orang member datang ziarah..agak lame gak diorang tak datang omel and kimi (bukan name sebenar)..diorang datang nak mintak software autocad kot..xingat la plak..
time tu aku ade dalam bilik...then omel masuk...die tengok ade beberapa pic yang digantung kat pintu..then die tanye
omel: "sape gantung pic ni???xtakut ke malaikat xmasuk???"
( i like the way that he advise me..) mule2 aku diam je...then
aku: "hurm..bukan aku.."
omel:"ko bagi tau la die.."
aku: "aku xade kekuatan lah..cube ko yang bagi tau.."
then omel lak terdiam..lastly habis macam tu je..bile diorang balik..aku mula terfikir..betul gak tu..tapi camne aku nk tegur..hurmmm.."Ya Allah berikanlah aku kekuatan.."

kat sini aku ade sertakan hadis berkaitan dengan teguran..

"Barangsiapa di antara kamu melihat kemungkaran maka tegahlah dengan tangan (kekuasaan), kalau ia tidak sanggup (berbuat demikian), maka hendaklah ia mengubah dengan lisannya, dan kalau tidak sanggup (pula), maka hendaklah ia melakukan dengan hatinya (mendo’akan), yang demikian adalah selemah-lemah iman." (H.R. Ahad bin Hanbal, Muslim dan Ashab as-Sunan (para ahli hadis penyusun kitab hadis Sunan).

ini plak pasal menggantung gambar yang bernyawa..

"Daripada Abu Talha, “Aku mendengar Rasulullah berkata, “Malaikat (Pembawa Rahmat) tidak akan memasuki rumah yang di dalamnya ada anjing atau gambar yang berupa dari makhluk bernyawa”.(Hadis Riwayat al-Bukhari)

sekadar untuk mengikatkan diri sendiri dn kawan2 kalau ade yang tergantung gambar menyerupai makhluk bernyawa itu..cepatlah ditanggalkan..selagi masih ada waktu untuk melakukannya..

**p/s ini sekadar pandangan seorang hamba Allah yang lemah...ampun dan maaf andai tersalah kata..

Saturday, March 27, 2010

a half day at penang port

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. erm nk tulih ape ye???owh..lupe laks...i juz wanna tell u guyz..last saturday my clazzmate n i went to penang port..dis is the requirement for ecm 317 (cons. project). best woo..coz kitorang dapat explore this port..act, bukan semua org leyh masuk port nih n yg specialnye..kitorng siap bole snap pic lagi..(org yg masuk dlm nih xle snap pic coz p&c)..
kitorg pegi 2 bas coz ade 3 grup yg ikut..ec110,ec111 n ec112..dak ec113 xikot coz diorng da g JUPEM 3d2n lagi...(misi balas dendam lah ni)...

.:amin the hotties and me..hahahaha:.

.:oo..oo pegi penang..lalalala~~~:.

.:before enter the site:.

we arrived there at 10 am,then the officer of the PP (penang port) brief us before we enter the site...

then, went to the wharf first..i'm very impress coz dis is my first time n i hope this is not my first n last time..kat whaft to en najib (PP officer) tunjukkan banyak benda baru..u know???the project cost about
RM672 million..wat a huge project!!!!

kat wharf tu ade key cranes...the function is to lift all the boxes from ship to port n vice imported from China..the actually it cost about RM38++ million per crane but that company buy it with RMtuuuutttt hahahaha..its p&c yg g je tau...en najib also told us about the installation of beam,plank,fire hydrant,bollard n fender...tgk r pic bende nih sume ye..bukan senang nk tgk nih..huhuhuhu...we spent abput an hour there..

.:this is key cranes:.

.:this is bollards:.

.:this is fenders:.

.:me and the burmas:.
.:after visit the u see any changes???huh:::.

then kitorg g kat precast concrete plant lak..project ni gune million+++ precast conc kowt..bygkan piles je about 7000++..tu belom lg beam n plank..ish3...kat cini siap ade cement plant sendiri lg...we spent time kat sane kejap je coz matahari betul2 da atas kepala..pening + panas = sunburn woo...

then mase yg di's makan's sposored by the contractor..nasi briyani tuh...

penat gilerrr...sampai tido xsedar..guess who???
lepas makn rehat then mis herda give a short speech then sourvenir..then balik tyme..huhuhuu..

actually xbalik terus...kitorang g jusco prai..plan da baek nih..nak maen bowling ah,karox r..mcm2 last plan hancur..sume xda kt situ..wat a buhsan complex!!!xda pape pown...then i wat ape lg..dok kat bench kat situ 4 almost 2 hours then tgk r gelagat2 muda-mudi and couple2 kt sane...macam2 ada!!!!!wat a sad moment...most of them r malay and ISLAM!!!
then da penat 'cuci mate..ape lagi balik r...huhuhuu..stop lu...

jap2..bile penat lah hasilnye...huuhuu..jgn marah tom n fhatir...

**p/s ini sekadar pandangan seorang hamba Allah yang lemah...ampun dan maaf andai tersalah kata..

Monday, March 22, 2010

three gorges dam


The Amount of Power Produces

* Annual electric energy production depends on the available water supply. In some installations the water flow rate can vary by a factor of 10:1 over the course of a year.

* The formula is:

P = ρhrgk


Ρ = Power in watts

ρ = Density of water (~1000 kg/m3)

h = Height in meters

r = Flow rate in cubic meters per second

g = Acceleration due to gravity of 9.8 m/s2

k = Coefficient of efficiency ranging from 0 to 1

(Efficiency is often higher (that is, closer to 1) with larger and more modern turbines.)

Estimation of Water Demand

* The amount of water demand depends on the population of the country.

* Since China has huge population, so the estimate of water demand is very high.

* The formulas to estimate the water supply are:

i) Average Daily Demand;

q = Q / (p x 365 days)


q = Average daily demand in litre per capita per day

Q = Annual water demand in litre

p = Persons or capita for population

ii) Maximum Daily Demand;

= 180 % x Average Daily Demand


The Biggest Flood Control

* The three gorges dam is the biggest water conservancy project in the world.

* Its reserved flood control capacity can help cut flood peak by 27,000 - 33,000 m3/s.

* The flood control standard of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze, especially the Jingjiang Section, will be largely upgraded from the present level of preventing under-10-year floods to that of preventing 100-year floods.

Its can prevents of 15 millions and 1.5 hectares of farmland in the Jianghan Plain from flood threats, and devastating plagues of massive death.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Kenape agaknye Allah melarang kte bercinta sebelum kahwin???

setiap sesuatu yg diciptakan Allah diatas muka bumi ini pasti berpasangan…

lelaki & perempuan, kaya & miskin, Tinggi & rendah, sebelum & selepas, bahagia & sengsara..dan bayak lagi…


rmai org ckp brcnta 2 x slh selagi kte mnjge batas2 syariat…

betul ke???

myb diorg trlpe yg selain manusia ada syaitan yg tlh berjanji kpda Allah tuk nenyesatkn manusia…

lme2 manusia yg konon2nye mnjge batas2 syariat 2 pn trmakan pujuk & rayu syaitan..

akhirnya brlaku lah perkare2 yg xdiingini…


sebelum lwnnye selepas, bahagia lwnnye sengsara, berkahwin lwnnye bercerai…

npe org dlu2 xyah bercinta sblm kahwin tp ble khwin kekal hingga akhir hayat???

cube and fkirkn..

org sekarang….

sebelum kahwin bercinta sakan..

mase bercinta semuanya bahagia sampai kentut pn bau wangi…


selepas khwin smuanye sengsara coz semuanye xseindah yg disangka..

akhirnye..bercerailah jwpan yg terbaek..

alasannye..xsehaluan..padahal mse brcinta semua baek..semuanye sepndapat…semuanye boleh buat brsame..

sebenarnye 2 adalh fitrah..coz sepatutnye org brcinta selepas kahwin..2 yg bahagia sampai akhir hayat..coz da sengsara sebelum kahwin..


zaman sekarang ni bile bercinta mesti nk maen msg, jmpe n dating…ps2 ble da kahwin semuanye da x best coz da xrse nikmat berkahwin..coz sblm kahwin da buat da semua 2..


fitrah manusia sblm khwin semua buat yg terbaek dpan pasangan..

padahal 2 semua lakonan semata-mata..

ps2 ble da kahwin semua lakonan 2 trbongkar..

segala keburukan 2 terkeluar..smpai satu thap pasangan da xtahan akhirnye..bercerai…

ini sekadar pandangan seorang hamba Allah yang lemah...ampun dan maaf andai tersalah kata..