Saturday, March 27, 2010

a half day at penang port

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. erm nk tulih ape ye???owh..lupe laks...i juz wanna tell u guyz..last saturday my clazzmate n i went to penang port..dis is the requirement for ecm 317 (cons. project). best woo..coz kitorang dapat explore this port..act, bukan semua org leyh masuk port nih n yg specialnye..kitorng siap bole snap pic lagi..(org yg masuk dlm nih xle snap pic coz p&c)..
kitorg pegi 2 bas coz ade 3 grup yg ikut..ec110,ec111 n ec112..dak ec113 xikot coz diorng da g JUPEM 3d2n lagi...(misi balas dendam lah ni)...

.:amin the hotties and me..hahahaha:.

.:oo..oo pegi penang..lalalala~~~:.

.:before enter the site:.

we arrived there at 10 am,then the officer of the PP (penang port) brief us before we enter the site...

then, went to the wharf first..i'm very impress coz dis is my first time n i hope this is not my first n last time..kat whaft to en najib (PP officer) tunjukkan banyak benda baru..u know???the project cost about
RM672 million..wat a huge project!!!!

kat wharf tu ade key cranes...the function is to lift all the boxes from ship to port n vice imported from China..the actually it cost about RM38++ million per crane but that company buy it with RMtuuuutttt hahahaha..its p&c yg g je tau...en najib also told us about the installation of beam,plank,fire hydrant,bollard n fender...tgk r pic bende nih sume ye..bukan senang nk tgk nih..huhuhuhu...we spent abput an hour there..

.:this is key cranes:.

.:this is bollards:.

.:this is fenders:.

.:me and the burmas:.
.:after visit the u see any changes???huh:::.

then kitorg g kat precast concrete plant lak..project ni gune million+++ precast conc kowt..bygkan piles je about 7000++..tu belom lg beam n plank..ish3...kat cini siap ade cement plant sendiri lg...we spent time kat sane kejap je coz matahari betul2 da atas kepala..pening + panas = sunburn woo...

then mase yg di's makan's sposored by the contractor..nasi briyani tuh...

penat gilerrr...sampai tido xsedar..guess who???
lepas makn rehat then mis herda give a short speech then sourvenir..then balik tyme..huhuhuu..

actually xbalik terus...kitorang g jusco prai..plan da baek nih..nak maen bowling ah,karox r..mcm2 last plan hancur..sume xda kt situ..wat a buhsan complex!!!xda pape pown...then i wat ape lg..dok kat bench kat situ 4 almost 2 hours then tgk r gelagat2 muda-mudi and couple2 kt sane...macam2 ada!!!!!wat a sad moment...most of them r malay and ISLAM!!!
then da penat 'cuci mate..ape lagi balik r...huhuhuu..stop lu...

jap2..bile penat lah hasilnye...huuhuu..jgn marah tom n fhatir...

**p/s ini sekadar pandangan seorang hamba Allah yang lemah...ampun dan maaf andai tersalah kata..

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